

Why Do We Need Worldcoin: Exploring the Benefits and Potential Impact

What is Worldcoin? 

Worldcoin is an open-source cryptocurrency project. The Worldcoin team believes that a universal standard is needed for all humans in order to ensure everyone benefits from the global economy and financial system. The project's primary goal is to provide every person on Earth with a digital identity and to create a decentralized financial network based on blockchain technology.

It aims to provide a digital identification platform for every person on Earth and will utilize blockchain technology to create an open, decentralized marketplace with zero fees. The Worldcoin team plans to do this by letting consumers use their identity as a form of payment, allowing them to pay for goods, services, and even remittances without the middlemen taking their money.

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How Worldcoin Works

The Worldcoin app has been designed to provide users with a simple way to create a digital identity, which is then used to demonstrate humanness in an online world populated by algorithms.

Worldcoin works in three steps:

  1. Download the World App, which is a fully self-custodial app that enables payment, purchases, and transfers globally using the Worldcoin token, digital assets, and other cryptocurrencies.

  2. Create a World ID, which is a unique digital identity that can play an important role in demonstrating humanness in an online world populated with increasingly advanced artificial intelligence.

  3. Scan your retina in exchange for cryptocurrencies and generate a unique digital identity establishing one's humanness.

Worldcoin's purpose is to provide an alternative to fiat currencies while helping to create a more equitable global society through its use of blockchain technology.

What’s Special About Worldcoin?

Image from Worldcoin

Worldcoin has several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies:

  1. Proof-of-Personhood: Worldcoin introduces a new system called Proof-of-Personhood, which involves scanning a person's eyes to validate their identity and prevent the creation of multiple accounts. This innovative approach aims to ensure that each user is a unique individual, promoting fairness and preventing fraud.

  2. Universal Distribution: Worldcoin plans to distribute 80% of its total supply to the global population. By giving out cryptocurrency to as many new "unique users" as possible, Worldcoin aims to achieve widespread adoption and create a more inclusive global economy. This distribution mechanism is reminiscent of Universal Basic Income (UBI).

  3. Privacy-Preserving Digital Identity: Worldcoin incorporates a privacy-preserving digital identity called World ID. This digital identity serves as proof that an individual is a real and unique person while fully protecting their privacy. It allows users to participate in the global economy while maintaining control over their personal information.

  4. Global Accessibility: Worldcoin aims to create universal access to the global economy, regardless of a person's country or background. It envisions a future where everyone, regardless of who they are, can participate in the growing digital economy and benefit from decentralized, collective ownership. Worldcoin's goal is to accelerate the transition to an economic future that welcomes and benefits every person on the planet.

  5. Open-Source Protocol: Worldcoin is an open-source protocol supported by a global community of developers, individuals, economists, and technologists. This commitment to openness and collaboration ensures that the protocol can be continuously improved and expanded upon by a diverse group of contributors.

Worldcoin's special features include its Proof-of-Personhood system, universal distribution, privacy-preserving digital identity, global accessibility, and open-source nature. These elements work together to create a cryptocurrency that aims to bring widespread adoption, inclusivity, and economic empowerment to individuals around the world.

Real-World Problems, Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain technology has gained significant attention and traction in recent years, with its potential to revolutionize various industries and solve real-world problems. One such solution that has garnered immense interest is Worldcoin, a global cryptocurrency aiming to create a more inclusive and equitable financial system.

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  1. Financial Inclusion

Financial exclusion is a critical problem affecting billions of people worldwide. According to the World Bank, approximately 1.7 billion adults still lack access to a formal financial institution. This exclusion prevents individuals and businesses from participating fully in the global economy, limiting opportunities for growth and development.

Worldcoin takes advantage of blockchain's decentralized nature to create a financial system that is accessible to all, irrespective of their socio-economic background. By leveraging its global infrastructure, Worldcoin aims to empower every individual with a digital wallet, enabling them to transact, save, and invest without the need for traditional banks. This inclusive approach has the potential to uplift millions from poverty and drive economic growth in emerging markets.

2. Trust and Transparency

Trust and transparency are fundamental pillars of any financial system, yet they are often compromised in traditional systems. Centralized authorities and intermediaries can be prone to corruption, fraud, and manipulation, eroding people's confidence in the system.

Blockchain technology provides a solution by offering an immutable and transparent ledger that records all transactions. Worldcoin utilizes this feature to establish trust in its financial ecosystem. By making transactions publicly available on the blockchain, Worldcoin ensures transparency and reduces the likelihood of fraud or misappropriation. This increased trust enables individuals and businesses to engage in financial activities without fear of manipulation or deception.

3. Cross-Border Transactions

Cross-border transactions have traditionally been slow, expensive, and laden with bureaucracy. The current international financial system struggles to facilitate efficient and cost-effective transfers, especially for individuals in developing countries who heavily rely on remittances.

Worldcoin harnesses blockchain's decentralized architecture to enable borderless transactions with minimal fees and reduced settlement times. Cutting out intermediaries and the need for multiple currency conversions, Worldcoin offers a seamless cross-border payment experience. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize global commerce, empowering individuals, and businesses to transact easily across different jurisdictions.

4. Financial Empowerment

Lack of financial education and awareness is another significant challenge faced by individuals worldwide. Understanding complex financial systems and making informed decisions can be daunting, particularly for those with limited access to resources and information.

Worldcoin aims to bridge this gap by providing educational resources and tools to empower individuals to make sound financial decisions. By fostering financial literacy and offering accessible educational content, Worldcoin seeks to empower users, helping them navigate the financial landscape confidently and make informed choices that can positively impact their lives.


Worldcoin, an innovative global cryptocurrency project, is on a mission to empower billions of people by giving them ownership of their identities and financial networks. By harnessing the transformative capabilities of blockchain technology, Worldcoin offers unique solutions to some of the world's most pressing issues.

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